The Full Story
We are a veteran owned business doing what we can to provide products to our part of NW Iowa for the best price possible. We'll do our best to help you and we'll be totally honest with you.
This isn't our day job; this is a way that we try to offer value to those around us and we do our best to help but we can't be expected to drop everything at a moment's notice. If you need something, please text us (712.796.1464) and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
If you can't wait, let's be realistic: Go buy it from someone who has what you want sitting on the shelf. If you can give us a chance to engage with you when the rest of life allows us, we'll do what we can to get you what you need for less than you'd pay anywhere else.
My goal isn't to offend, I've just been doing this long enough to see people get whiney when we didn't do everything they wanted when they wanted it.
We're all grown ups here, regardless what politicians and woke ideology want us to believe.
Act like it or move on...